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Please tell me there is a place besides Twitter where I can be constantly updated about the game. I am really invested in this game~!


Hi there! 

After lurking around your game for over a month now, I've decided that I really can't take it anymore and have to play it. (It  definitely has nothing at all to do with the fact that every few days I search for information on DG and then every time I see him  smile I go  ".////. ")

Okay, that's a strange feeling every time you dive into a new world - and just know from the start that you're going to get hopelessly lost in it. I read through some info on everything, but didn't want to get too informed. I'll do that after I play through the demo.
This will be a summary of my impressions typed at the same time as I play, because I like to put my first feelings of something into words! This is always going to be a little ... enthusiastic, childish, silly and stammering, so I'm already sorry for that. No one needs to finish reading this either, it's just silly fangirl babble :3
After we're allowed to stream the game, spoilers are hopefully allowed in a review, too! Because they're definitely coming here...

Let's go~

- I love the design of the start screen from the first second! And the soundtrack ... ♥♥♥

- AH how much I like the symbols that hide on the 'play' button when you move your mouse over it! I actually had to laugh out loud for a second and thought to myself "oh shit, run while you still can" - and then I just clicked. o__o Because I'm not going anywhere, I'm running happily and with open arms into my misery I'm afraid. xD

- Oh, I even get to choose what gender I am? Cool! (By the way, those color spots in this menu are so pretty! :D ... It ... Is just color, right?)

- OMFG you guys have such a great music selection. Goosebumps again! (And when the annoying beeping even got louder, I had to laugh. Such small details are great! And this is supposed to be a demo? Seriously now?)

- Wow. In a novel, I always think it's especially important that the beginning is good. Getting into a world isn't so easy if the words aren't chosen well enough! This writer knows what they're doing. The little mention of leaves on the ground, for example. Doesn't bring any obvious benefit to the game so far, but it makes everything so vivid that I can see it all in front of me despite the lack of animation :3
- Of course, the great backgrounds are also a reason why you can imagine everything so nicely right away. Is a successful mix of both.

- Oh my gosh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that right at the word "humming" you can also hear the bees QuQ ♥ This just delighted me more than maybe it should, but already I can't stop grinning. So much love in this demo!

- Your writer's style is so great. So many little details, I can't say it enough, my own writer's heart is just whooping with joy right now TuT ♥.

- I would love to have a beautiful break room like this in my work too. May I have the kitchen roll with the heart design please? :3

- Okay, am I going to love Rasmus? I'm afraid so. XD ...

- Oh no, he's hot T_T" And a douchebag. :D" But also kinda cute. Oh .... I don't want to say this is my type, but ... this is my type. Wait, he's not even up for dating selection and I'm already giggling silly here! >u<"


- AAAAWWW Venni... QuQ I'll only ask once: why are all the men so hot here? Do they have to be? I feel very conflicted!

- ♥ If the MC loves cats, I can VERY much relate :3

- ... I'll say it again now though: why are all the men so hot ???? O_O

- Uh a quiz! *-* I think it's so nice that colors obviously play such an important role here. I like that! :3 (Only my favorite color orange is not there, haha! That's why I'll take - surprise - favorite color #2: blue :D") AAWW. The second question ... I can't decide at all ♥ But since I don't like loud noises and am afraid of bugs falling on my head when I sit under a tree .... it will be answer 1 xD Also, I love stars~ question #3 is awesome too. I wonder if and what impact my choice will have???? Anyway, I love jewelry so it will be the necklace :3 .... Oh please, nothing beats popcorn! >u< Haha, what pet do I want? A cat, so it's answer #1 I would say! (sorry Damon, I'm reeeeally  not a dog person...).

HOLY FRIGGIN SH- that was almost a Jump Scare, Rasmus, you little ....!! >u<

- :/ I actually like Tsundere characters, but he's quite mean. Does he really dislike us that much? u__u

- A new serial killer? :D" I wonder who that will be~ .... 12 murders in 6 weeks? He's, uh, 'busy', isn't he?

- QuQ Black baby boi ♥ My type 2 .... He's cute, shy, stuttering .... oh my god. ... No matter what he wants to ask, my answer is YES! ♥♥♥

- I love how often you are offered choices. As if this demo didn't have such a high replay value anyway! You can really interact with the world, you're not "just" a reader.

- AH, there he is finally :3 I must admit, I don't know if I will fall for Damon's charm. Actually, I like romantic stalker boys :D" I'm really curious as to whether he'll twist me around his finger ^^ So far I'm team blue, but the odds should remain fair, right? 

- ... Okay, okay. He's... cute. Yeah, a little bit.  <//< Maybe even very much. 

- OH MY GOD Q///Q His expression, the little hearts, I can't - ... 

- This is going to sound silly and definitely a bit stupid, but I always want to know what my hyperfixations smell like, haha! XD Thanks for going right into it yourselves there. Roses, then? ♥ I can live with that.

- Okay, okay, all right. His smile is way too cute for me to resist any further. I just find another guy officially enormously adorable ~///~

- But it's our MC's own fault that he's stalking us. Right? I mean, so many nice things he gets to hear, that MUST cause something in him. Poor little puppy can't help it. But beautifully portrayed, I think. You can see why he falls in love with her right away. Someone who has experienced so much rejection is, of course, immediately prone to a few kind words....

- I know this is actually so cliché, but I love this "Oh, our hands touched lightly" trope. I.LOVE.IT. And I can't get enough of it.

- OH I probably shouldn't have spoiled myself so much with these two before the demo, but .... he's warning us? ;////; Knowing that he knows who - ... well then that's pretty darn cute.

- Oh my goodness, the dots were vibrating - and you can literally feel for yourself the excitement that overcomes Damon, followed by his love~.

- Again, to you who wrote this script: Your writing style is wonderful. This imagery is so beautiful and I would love to read other stuff from you ^^ ♥

- .... These vibrating words make me nervous. And it looks so damn PHANTASTIC.

- AAAAND now I'm totally won over by him, hehe~ ^^"

- Catchy ringtone XD

- Rasmus is really calling to hear how we're doing QuQ♥ (I could be spinning in circles with excitement over all these cute guys here right now, yet my favorite hasn't even shown up yet T//T" If he comes, I might not survive this.... Haha, maybe ACTUALLY not? ^^")

- MC doesn't feel like an empty shell at all. We have a real personality here, regardless of the choices, and that has a certain appeal! True, I can't find myself in all points, but that doesn't matter. :3

- "Because you deserve it" HELP.... This is ... uncomfortable. And so wonderfully executed. That's exactly how it feels... :/ Those stupid thoughts.

- The plant is picked up again. I like that~

Damn, this demo is packed with so many wonderful little ideas, I wonder how you guys are going to top that for a full game? Not that I think you can't do it. I'm just extremely excited to see what else is in store here right now! ♥

- oooooh this "Click" .... Or those MANY "clicks" ... Shit, how incredibly uncomfortable that is.

- When I think I couldn't be more impressed, this game manages it by just making NOISES and slapping some icons down - and my pulse goes up. HOLY SHIT that scene in the apartment is SO well executed. I wouldn't  say I have much experience with visual novels.... almost none at all, actually :3" But I'd go out on a limb and say what I'm looking at here is incredible.

- "little rosebud" dfgölak jlsöiek rjlkqeairjhfölsokjfedö THANKS I'M A MESS NOW.

- O__O w-w-w-what he didn't show up at all? ;__; Did I just take the "wrong" route? ...

... Okay. Then once again from the beginning!

- I'm going to try to give nasty answers now. Normally I always try to answer sweet and cute, hehe! But I imagine that's how I ended up with Damon?

- Ah, I read on CC that DG doesn't kill older people, children and animals???  :3 Last point is especially important to me. I'm just wondering why? Does a serial killer also have standards or ....

... these three categories doesn't "give" him anything?  ^^" I don't care. As long as he doesn't hurt kittens, we have no problem with each other :3"

- Okay~~ Maybe I made the right decision? Damon wasn't in the store >u<"

- Oh this alley doesn't look good. Well, uh, it does! It does! (I LOVE alleys. When I write anything myself, there's always at least one filthy, dirty alley with trash in it. Haha! ALWAYS!) But this feels creepy right here....


- Again, this great music selection....

- Once again, because it can't be said enough: The script is so well written, all those details!! 

- AAAAAH ! OH MY GOD DAÖLJSÖDLF KJÖAKJ ... Sorry... I'm SO sorry QuQ But I have so much love for him,,, and his introduction is SO good I'm sitting here on my chair right now whimpering, bright red and having heart palpitations!  I think it's so funny that you really do get the guy you deserve with the behavior you show XD Instant karma, right?

- I ... can't play on at all right now! I just vibe to the great music and try to calm my pulse while he is grinning at me ^^" That's a HEAVY obsession right there in front of me....

- The pepper spray line. Bastard♥

- "Adrenaline pulses through my veins." Yes, yes it does. ~//~"

- You can literally feel your own heartbeat racing up as he gets closer. And ouch! My hand >u<" (But at least he's not cutting off the fingers - yet ^^")

- But ... wasn't he supposed to show up at the store too ;_; Oh.... I guess I 'have' to play another time, thehe~ But I'll save that for later. I'm pretty beat up right now due to all the emotions I've been going through.

--- Okaaaaay. Wow.

I have to let everything sink in and then I'll try to put into halfway reasonable words what's going on inside me.

... What can I say? This thing is already half a masterpiece and I'm UNBELIEVABLY happy to have stumbled upon it. I could bite myself in the butt for taking so long to finally play it!

I haven't regretted a second of the demo. You guys brought in so much variety. That just relates to everything. Not just the obvious like design of the backgrounds, characters or such. Even just how you've worked with type and effects really draws you in.

And probably the artist behind the characters has heard it often enough, but this drawing style is just incredible. I don't even want to imagine how many hours of practice and heart and soul must have gone into it to develop such an expressive style. (And I love how you draw  forearms, oh my goooood).

I also have to note that I personally REALLY have a problem with gore, torture, and the like. And yes, you wouldn't believe it, Yandere characters are actually a thorn in my side. I'm actually very uncomfortable with all of these things, but have been approaching them very, very slowly now. I'm sure there will always be points that will disturb me enormously, but by now it's more of a "good" kind of dislike. Does that make sense? Anyway, it speaks for itself, I think, that all of this is so captivating to someone who normally can't relate to these things and even panics a little.... (Not that this really triggers me. I'm old enough and have had enough horror in various media that I can already judge how much I can take).

I just want to point out that  I'm actually adoring another crazy gentleman with various disorders right now. If my head were a house, he'd be living in it right now - buuuuuut DG is just smiling and breaking down the door ^^"""" 

 I love this world, I love the characters, I love the way this story is told. The fact that such a small team created something so great here is incredible! I have so much respect for what you've done here. You guys have a new fan. ^^  Sorry for this long rambling. 

Okay... Off to Patreon. :3


I adore this so much and am already excited to see more! <3 


this is SOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! i love the music and the style, i also fell in love with damon with all my heart and soul. i want to give all my money for this game <3 


İT WAS TO O GOOD AAA. ı love. damon. h e is so fulffing cute! i can n ot wait for day two :3


EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME IS SO GOOD! i can't wait to play a full version <3


I  love this game so much <3

I cant wait for more <3 :D




EU PRECISO CONTINUAR JOGANDO. Eu amei esse jogo, tudo nele é incrível ❤️<3


I still need to hunt down the other ending but this demo definitely left me looking forward to more! The spooky parts had me completly on edge and in the moment! Ramus is such a little jerk, I love it. ^.^ Looking forward to the full game!

I can't downlaod it my dear TvT    They file's corrupted or affected or somthing. Do you have any other ways to download it? I really need this boi to heal my heart.


oh no, I'm sorry to hear that :(

you're the first one to report this kind of problem to me.

but here, try downloading this build:

Day 1 (new build)

it's a build I gave to our fan-translators, so they can test their translations and use the new font styles that support their languages (but don't try to change the language since obviously there are no translations yet and it would just mess up your menu screen).

good luck <3


Still not working, guess my pc is too grunky. Appriciate your helps tho, Thxxx ^^


Ok this game looks AMAZING. It does not look like a first project at all?  Just all-around GREAT. I love the options, I love the art, I love the menu style. I'm already obsessed with the characters lmao. I want MOAAR. Time to turn to social media stalking lol. Side characters alone look beyond interesting but Delivery Guy presses on that "obsession" part of my brain and... Well.

PC: This is Rasmus. He's an asshole and a bully, and I hate him.

Me, immediately: 😍

Damnit, not again with the "hot bully" trope. My little masochistic brain can't take it. *sighhhh*

One complaint I have - maybe it's just me but PC comes across as a Karen to me sometimes? Like complaining about manners, and being weirdly judgmental for literally no reason, and I'm there like cmon man, give it a rest lol. If we had a bit more PC personality diversity (like making those lines optional/having a different choice tree without it having any bearing on the plot - just a personal choice), or even just toned down, it would be perfect for me heh.


I want more...I MUST HAVE MORE






RIGHT? The noise I let out after seeing the Strade poster was ungodly lmao.

I really like this game, colorful, storyline, very addictive, I hope there will be more dolls for sale too. I'll buy them all



I am respectfully looking at the btd reference 👀 

(2 edits) (+5)

(Seeing only day 1)
The graphic design is really good has lots of detals. Design of the characters is really pretty too. The menu of the game is easy and refinded it  means you just have to wait for the next updates. The story doesn't feel like it's poorly done. In the first day we have some choices so the play isn't only reading of story. It's a big plus for the game because it's interactive. The way of writing is not difficult to understand while having a rich vocabulary.
Personally I like the reference to BtD. I wish I had this poster in my room. At the first I RELLY like the artstyle for me it's so pretty. Combination of a poor concept with and a piece of realism is what bought me. I'm waiting for more updates of the story. I think it's worth playing.


I'm super digging these darker romance games,  small personal preference maybe change the textbox or add the option to have a simpler textbox with larger font just as the artwork is beautiful and the bold textbox kind of clashes with it. The writing is amazing though, can't wait for updates!


it's my best thing recently to meet succh a good game!
hopefully there'll be day 2 or more  sooner
thx for ur wonderful game


hiya! just wondering, when the other days/full game releases, how much will they cost?


such a good game! 🥰 it would also be great if you could write more about the depressed 'me' in the later updates. thx in advance~


Killer ringtone! such a bop


Oh gosh, this demo is good

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game so much and the art is SOOO good I love it XD I like Damon og forgot to say the POV I love that :D


fr it may just have one day by now, but its alredy one of my fav games 


i loved it so so so much!!! such a promising game! the art and the music go so well together, theyre both beautiful. i love yanderes so im enthusiastic over more damon content.


I absolutely LOVE this game, the characters, the visuals, the line the everything!

I cannot wait for the next updates!

And i dont want to be pushy but when do you think the next day be out?

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing, I'm really looking forward to the next update ! Good luck for the development !


Damn I really want to play it But My laptop Is error,Developer Please Make Version On android I really want to Download this nfiwjwbfuqhshdiqjaha 😭


really promising start! I think all of the characters are very fun and well developed so far. The story is interesting and compelling, and the art style is to die for! looking forward to what comes next! <3


Excited to see where this goes. I'm seeing a yandere, smartass sadist, and jerk with a soft side. All three flavors lol. I also want to gobble up this art style<3 I thought the semi-human thing would be strange but I quickly loved it. Really helps the characterization!


it's amazing!I wish you good luck and look forward to continuing!!!


THANK YOU!!! For making this game! I've been looking so long for another game like BTD. I wish you all nothing but the best in life!!! <3


I really really LOVE it!!!What a GREAT game!!❤️


AHHHHHH!! I remember following all your art and I'm so happy for you!! It's AMAZING so far and I'm so excited for day 2!!! 


Any plans for an android version 😭😭?


for now, we don't have any plans to release this game on android. but we might do it when the full game is finished. thank you for your interest <3




Hello and thank you so much for your game and hard work! I like to replay it from time to time, hehe 🖤

But please, could you think about selling your wonderful game in steam, if possible? I live in a country from which it is impossible to make purchases on itch, but we are there, your fans who would really like to support you but do not have such an opportunity yet т.т

(1 edit) (+4)

thank you! we're happy you enjoyed our game ☺️💕

unfortunately I can't publish BC on Steam because I'm from Germany and adult games are no longer allowed on Steam there due to an insufficient age verification. the only thing we could do later would be to publish the full game on Patreon as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

I would really like to play your novel, but the game does not start, after clicking on the icon nothing happens. What's in the version before March 6, what's after. the win7 x64 system. The download was from several browsers, without antivirus and Windows defender. There is another novel on the Ren'Py engine with a file.exe and it works.


hey 👋
I can only offer you some solutions I've found on the internet, like this link:

Fix Broken Exe File

and you should also check for an update to your graphics card drivers, whitelist the game for your anti-virus and extract the file to your Desktop.

I hope this can help you, good luck! :)


I've been following your videos and art for some time now, and I'm so glad that now you're able to make Broken Colors into a game you've always wanted! It looks amazing, your art and storytelling never fails. 
The only issue I have with the build is that I cannot switch into a type of font which is better for my eyes. Will there be a way to change it for something that's more friendlier for the eyes? 

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