I again am back here to play this game. I love it so much and I really hope it's still being updated! Also any idea on the price of it when it's released?
Hola, una pregunta ¿Cuando saldra el día 2?, la verdad me gusto mucho el juego y nose si ya lo mandaron y cuesta dinero pero me gustaría que fuera gratis y que pudieran hacer el día 2, espero lo vean :)
POOKIE YOUR DRAWINGS R SO DAM CUTE!!....i love em :)...ANYWAY!! i thought u were the same person who did the game "your boyfriend" ....if u know that game...ANYWAY!! i will wait 4 the update pooks and be back with fan art!!!!!!! Xx
Hi! Yes, we're still using it. The next chapter is still in progress, and I occasionally share sneak peeks of the script on social media. I only post devlogs/updates on Itchio when I have a new file to upload. You can also see on Blastic's Patreon that the sprites are currently being revised again :)
Oh i see lol. Will there ever be a character sprite for us or no? I understand some people would not want it but a sprite for us would be nice. Can even have it a option to have on or off
Nope, that’s not planned. The entire game is designed to be in first-person POV, and since there will be choices affecting your appearance, adding full customization would be a lot of extra work for us (many fans have a very specific idea of what their MC should look like). For most developers, text-only customization is easier and cheaper to implement, which is why not many games offer this feature. However, we’d love to include character customization in future projects ^o^
Nope, release dates are like promises we know we cannot keep. So we never announce or promise anything. Of course, we’ll make an announcement when the time comes. For now, though, there are only sneak peeks :)
(English is not my native language, so please correct any language mistakes) Author You have been inactive on itch for a long time, do not know the progress of the game, author are you OK?I'm so worried😭😢
Loved it! Can't wait to play day 2! (Please do not take that as me rushing anything just enjoy your alls work and excited for the next chapter.) Anyway thank you all for the hard work!
Not a fan of the quasi-furry artwork, I must admit.
But the story itself seem pretty good.
The POV of someone other than the main character reveals a little bit -too- much. I am not a fan of a secondary POV in novels or visual novels. They tend to take out the mystery of the story and interrupt the flow of the storytelling.
It's a pretty big spoiler in this story. Too big. The hint you get from the news and asking that customer about his troubles put together would have been subtle and nice. Adding his POV after is like being hit in the fact with a sledghammer of a clue --it's too much. Cute. But too much.
(Perhaps a later shadowed figure sequence -after- you've met all the characters in the story who says those things.... that might have worked. Kept the mystery alive. The yandere POV directly after meeting said person ran a bit too long, but overall it wasn't bad. The second POV from him was very good. But again; Too revealing.)
Those minor flaws aside, this story is most defiantly wonderful.
Good enough that I can ignore the artstyle I dislike. And any minor flaws. (I know, I nitpick. A lot. I'm a writer myself, so I always critique stories. lol)
I hope there will be a full version of this game somewhere. Preferably on Steam. It's the only place I actually buy games.
If it shows up on Steam, it defiantly goes on my wishlist.
Please don't worry, your critique is highly appreciated ^^b
Thank you for playing our game even though you don't like the art style lol.
I understand your dislike for other characters' POVs. Personally, I think it depends on the writer's intent and their reason for showing things from a different POV (and I can assure you that we won't go overboard with it xD)
So let me explain ours: He was never meant to be a big mystery. This game was primarily created for an existing fanbase that already knew a lot about Damon. Pretending he was just an innocent customer wouldn’t have added much to the experience imo. And one of the main questions will rather be whether you should trust him~
I hope this explanation suffices ^^
We're still working on the next chapter, and if we ever release it on Steam, it will only be once the full version is complete :)
I see. If the game is using an already known character I see your logic.
Still think it's better without it. But I do admit he IS cute in those scenes. lol
Your story is one of those that transcends the artwork tho. Like Stephen King said: You can forgive almost anything if the story is good enough. Or the character, in this case. (Since I don't know much of the story yet.)
I think Pov add flavor and I like seeing what the other characters think keep up the awesome work <3! everyone does have their own like thou and its ok
A promising game with beautiful graphics and some really attractive love interests ! I can't wait to see what the developers have in store for us next. All the best !
is this the full game so far.is there a place to download the rest. If this is all so far will day 2 be here or on steam. Can someone please let me know.
Really good game. Needs another chapter to it. Loving the routes with Damon, DG, and Rasmus. I'm truly excited for this to be completed. Should definitely have voice actors. The main ones to voice. Maybe voice the side characters to add more depth to it.
I really liked this game, the art is amazing and the characters are rlly fun and interesting! LITERALLY CANT WAIT FOR THE FULL GAME TO COME OUT. My only criticism of this game is the MC we play as, they're kind of like a doormat kind of character and even the options which they do get a little mouthy but still kind of recluse back to that state again. THIS ISN'T MEANT TO SOUND LIKE IM HATING I LOVE THIS GAME. I just think the dialogue options for the MC are very....help idk how to describe it but they MC is basically an easy target. Like even when they say "Do I look like a technician to you?" They still fix the AC for Rasmus, LIKE GIRL NOOOO.
Or when hes harassing them girly doesn't do or say ANYTHING. Not saying the MC has to tell someone to kill themselves js bc they called them a loser but it would be nice to have more mcs who can read a bitch that has an attitude for filth, because period. (YOU DONT HAVE TO CHANGE IT IF U DONT WANT TO OFC!, its ur game!) Or less of someone who says "They're so quiet and unfriendly" about other people. AGAIN I LOVE THIS GAME, THE ART IS AMAZING THE CHARACTER DESIGNS LOOK REALLY GOOD, YOU DID AMAZING WITH THIS GAME AND I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT. The storyline is well written and so interesting! I love that it doesn't immediately start exposition or lore dumping the minute you start playing like how a lot of other games do, and I love that you can choose a lot of your dialog options, esp in the first part of the game. I also really like that the MC actually has a personality, it makes them relatable and actually shows why someone would like them. Cause I notice in a lot of visual novels, usually with the male mcs they have ZERO personality, or is just one report away from being on the sex offenders list, yet all of the love interest(s) fall for them, and its like how did you even THINK about wanting that man in your life baby? SO I LOVE that you gave them a personality. I also really love how depending on what you choose to do after Rasmus(sorry if I got his name wrong) Changes your fate and who you end up with!
Thank you so much for your comment, it helps a lot <3
Yep, this is by design. MC is aware of the different power dynamic between them and Rasmus. He's the son of the manager after all - one word from him and MC could get fired. So they try their best not to overdo it with the "bitchy" attitude. But! With each new chapter, MC can gradually become more feisty or even ruthless if you want to. This could be part of your roleplay later if you want to develop your MC into growing more backbone :)
I also prefer giving MC a bit of a personality (and background), it's more fun to write it that way ^^
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holy i haven't seen this game in a hot minute im looking throught my favorite games and is being hit hard rn😭
I will flirt with everyone, let the games begin
(my sweet patootie Damon i"ll give all the love in the world for u)
the demo is so good!! i seriously cant wait for the full game to come out, so excited!!!!
lol, didn't expect to see such a recent comment. I NEED an update for this game, and also a damon plush because he is so fluffy
Hi, when are you going to continue with the game?
I again am back here to play this game. I love it so much and I really hope it's still being updated! Also any idea on the price of it when it's released?
So cool! Please make a mobile version one for android samsung or so maybe?
I hope y'all are doing well <3 <3
Hola, una pregunta ¿Cuando saldra el día 2?, la verdad me gusto mucho el juego y nose si ya lo mandaron y cuesta dinero pero me gustaría que fuera gratis y que pudieran hacer el día 2, espero lo vean :)
Hey there! Just curious, will this game be free to play when it comes out or will it be pay to play after this current demo?
Also, great game! Take your time, you're both doing great.
Thanks!! <3
POOKIE YOUR DRAWINGS R SO DAM CUTE!!....i love em :)...ANYWAY!! i thought u were the same person who did the game "your boyfriend" ....if u know that game...ANYWAY!! i will wait 4 the update pooks and be back with fan art!!!!!!! Xx
PS. love the gameeeeeeeeee :)
Will this game ever update? Are they still using this site or something else now?
Hi! Yes, we're still using it. The next chapter is still in progress, and I occasionally share sneak peeks of the script on social media. I only post devlogs/updates on Itchio when I have a new file to upload. You can also see on Blastic's Patreon that the sprites are currently being revised again :)
Oh i see lol. Will there ever be a character sprite for us or no? I understand some people would not want it but a sprite for us would be nice. Can even have it a option to have on or off
Nope, that’s not planned. The entire game is designed to be in first-person POV, and since there will be choices affecting your appearance, adding full customization would be a lot of extra work for us (many fans have a very specific idea of what their MC should look like). For most developers, text-only customization is easier and cheaper to implement, which is why not many games offer this feature. However, we’d love to include character customization in future projects ^o^
Is there any estimated time for the next chapter?
Nope, release dates are like promises we know we cannot keep. So we never announce or promise anything. Of course, we’ll make an announcement when the time comes. For now, though, there are only sneak peeks :)
actualicen pls
Ojala lo actualicen pronto...
(English is not my native language, so please correct any language mistakes) Author You have been inactive on itch for a long time, do not know the progress of the game, author are you OK?I'm so worried😭😢
Wish the author a happy life (hug😘🥰)
both of the creators are on tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/inkly-heart and https://www.tumblr.com/holyschnitzel
i would pay thousands for a day 2
Espero cuando el juego este terminado también puedan lanzar una version en español
i didnt even realize who the stalker was until i saw the characters stuff... im brainless
man, it's been 2 years an they still haven't released day two.. 💀💀💀
idk id patiently wait another 2 years if it came down to it 🤷♀️
Loved it! Can't wait to play day 2! (Please do not take that as me rushing anything just enjoy your alls work and excited for the next chapter.) Anyway thank you all for the hard work!
Alguien sabe cuando van a actualizarlo?
10/10 :D
Alguien sabe si ya hay una fecha aproximada para el dia 2 :c
I don't believe there is any ETA yet, sadly … we'll just have to be patient.
Not a fan of the quasi-furry artwork, I must admit.
But the story itself seem pretty good.
The POV of someone other than the main character reveals a little bit -too- much. I am not a fan of a secondary POV in novels or visual novels. They tend to take out the mystery of the story and interrupt the flow of the storytelling.
It's a pretty big spoiler in this story. Too big.
The hint you get from the news and asking that customer about his troubles put together would have been subtle and nice.
Adding his POV after is like being hit in the fact with a sledghammer of a clue --it's too much.
Cute. But too much.
(Perhaps a later shadowed figure sequence -after- you've met all the characters in the story who says those things.... that might have worked. Kept the mystery alive.
The yandere POV directly after meeting said person ran a bit too long, but overall it wasn't bad. The second POV from him was very good. But again; Too revealing.)
Those minor flaws aside, this story is most defiantly wonderful.
Good enough that I can ignore the artstyle I dislike. And any minor flaws.
(I know, I nitpick. A lot. I'm a writer myself, so I always critique stories. lol)
I hope there will be a full version of this game somewhere.
Preferably on Steam.
It's the only place I actually buy games.
If it shows up on Steam, it defiantly goes on my wishlist.
Hi, fellow writer :)
Please don't worry, your critique is highly appreciated ^^b
Thank you for playing our game even though you don't like the art style lol.
I understand your dislike for other characters' POVs. Personally, I think it depends on the writer's intent and their reason for showing things from a different POV (and I can assure you that we won't go overboard with it xD)
So let me explain ours: He was never meant to be a big mystery. This game was primarily created for an existing fanbase that already knew a lot about Damon. Pretending he was just an innocent customer wouldn’t have added much to the experience imo. And one of the main questions will rather be whether you should trust him~
I hope this explanation suffices ^^
We're still working on the next chapter, and if we ever release it on Steam, it will only be once the full version is complete :)
Thank you again and have a wonderful week!
I see. If the game is using an already known character I see your logic.
Still think it's better without it. But I do admit he IS cute in those scenes. lol
Your story is one of those that transcends the artwork tho.
Like Stephen King said: You can forgive almost anything if the story is good enough.
Or the character, in this case. (Since I don't know much of the story yet.)
I look forward to see more of the game. ^_^
I think Pov add flavor and I like seeing what the other characters think keep up the awesome work <3! everyone does have their own like thou and its ok
is this still wip?
Not sure, but its a great game for only having day 1 complete
alguien sabe si ya tiene fecha el dia 2?? 😖
necesito la versión completa definitivamente¡¡¡😭😭😭
necesito una guia-
I really wish i could play it. But i'm on phone, bummer lol
Joiplay.. you can play this game on joiplay
thank you! :D
So I was trying to, I have ren'py plugin installed through a file but joiplay still won't let me play it
Try using joiplay version 1.20.550 and Ren py plugging version 1.00.10. those work for me!
joiplay is 1.20.500, but i guess my ren py is wrong lol, though it was the version that joiplay wanted me to install... but I'll try your idea :D
My ren py was 2.1, i'm gonna look for the 1.0 then
Can anyone tell me if there is already new infos for day 2?
in Holy's twitter account there are a couple of spoilers of the scrypt and dialogs, but there isn't a date for the day 2
ohh okay! Thank you <3
I loved the game, but being part of the Spanish-speaking community I would like them to neutralize the accent, only if possible. THANKS <3
game aint getting updated ever again
just be patient 😂 they posted day 2 script spoilers on their twitter! It was a lil bit ago but it means it’s coming lol
at my knees because of men with red flags.
A promising game with beautiful graphics and some really attractive love interests ! I can't wait to see what the developers have in store for us next. All the best !
Even though it’s just a demo and just day 1 I love playing it again and again 😅 Great work love it!
hyvää syntymäpäivää, rakkaani <3
Agh i love this game
is this the full game so far.is there a place to download the rest. If this is all so far will day 2 be here or on steam. Can someone please let me know.
Really good game. Needs another chapter to it. Loving the routes with Damon, DG, and Rasmus. I'm truly excited for this to be completed. Should definitely have voice actors. The main ones to voice. Maybe voice the side characters to add more depth to it.
I really liked this game, the art is amazing and the characters are rlly fun and interesting! LITERALLY CANT WAIT FOR THE FULL GAME TO COME OUT. My only criticism of this game is the MC we play as, they're kind of like a doormat kind of character and even the options which they do get a little mouthy but still kind of recluse back to that state again. THIS ISN'T MEANT TO SOUND LIKE IM HATING I LOVE THIS GAME. I just think the dialogue options for the MC are very....help idk how to describe it but they MC is basically an easy target. Like even when they say "Do I look like a technician to you?" They still fix the AC for Rasmus, LIKE GIRL NOOOO.
Or when hes harassing them girly doesn't do or say ANYTHING. Not saying the MC has to tell someone to kill themselves js bc they called them a loser but it would be nice to have more mcs who can read a bitch that has an attitude for filth, because period. (YOU DONT HAVE TO CHANGE IT IF U DONT WANT TO OFC!, its ur game!) Or less of someone who says "They're so quiet and unfriendly" about other people. AGAIN I LOVE THIS GAME, THE ART IS AMAZING THE CHARACTER DESIGNS LOOK REALLY GOOD, YOU DID AMAZING WITH THIS GAME AND I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT. The storyline is well written and so interesting! I love that it doesn't immediately start exposition or lore dumping the minute you start playing like how a lot of other games do, and I love that you can choose a lot of your dialog options, esp in the first part of the game. I also really like that the MC actually has a personality, it makes them relatable and actually shows why someone would like them. Cause I notice in a lot of visual novels, usually with the male mcs they have ZERO personality, or is just one report away from being on the sex offenders list, yet all of the love interest(s) fall for them, and its like how did you even THINK about wanting that man in your life baby? SO I LOVE that you gave them a personality. I also really love how depending on what you choose to do after Rasmus(sorry if I got his name wrong) Changes your fate and who you end up with!
Thank you so much for your comment, it helps a lot <3
Yep, this is by design. MC is aware of the different power dynamic between them and Rasmus. He's the son of the manager after all - one word from him and MC could get fired. So they try their best not to overdo it with the "bitchy" attitude. But! With each new chapter, MC can gradually become more feisty or even ruthless if you want to. This could be part of your roleplay later if you want to develop your MC into growing more backbone :)
I also prefer giving MC a bit of a personality (and background), it's more fun to write it that way ^^
Thanks again and have a nice week!
hope for a day 2