[Devlog #2] Fan-Translation update 🇷🇺 + 🇰🇷

Hey lovelies! ^o^/)

A little bit late, but as announced I'm releasing the next small update for Day 1 today!

Many have waited a long time for the first fan-translations and now you can play the demo in Russian and Korean for the first time (the interface remains in English though)!

A huge thanks to zombite's team and flashnine42 for providing these translations! Pls show them some love in the comments 💗

Now here's a list of all the changes that have been made with this update:


- Language: Russian and Korean

- Fonts and font sizes (Small, Medium, Large) have been added

- select one of the newly added fonts "PT-Sans", "Noto-Sans.JP" or "Noto-Sans.CJK" to get the Russian translation displayed

- Korean players can only choose "Noto-Sans.CJK" because the other fonts do not support this language

- English players can choose any font, but I recommend "Open-Dyslexic" or "Noto-Sans.JP" for a better reading experience because these are the biggest fonts

* btw if you change the language mid-game, your log/ history will be deleted, so keep this in mind!

What else:

- fixed a bug with a BG that was displayed at the wrong time of day

- new animations of the choice menus

- new UI design of the menu screens and textbox, including Quick Menu with a rotating DG button ;D

- MC's speedlines are now animated

- new alley BG was added

- the new design of "Shadowman" (shy customer) was added

- and there's now a button to hide the interface so you can take better screenshots!

I think that should be all. If you find any bugs, you can contact me on my socials ^^

Day 2 is still in progress and I don't think we'll be able to release it this year. We just couldn't make much progress due to weeks of illness 😞
So we remind you again that we really appreciate it when people don't put too much pressure on us by constantly asking about Day 2, as I mentioned before, we work on this project whenever we have time and are well, which is not always the case.

Still, we hope to show the first sneak peaks soon, so keep your fingers crossed that everything works out! 🤞 Thank you so much for your ratings, comments and support! You guys make working on this game so much easier and fun, we can't thank you enough for that 💗

We hope you enjoy this small update! Take care and see you next time! ^o^/)


Br0kenColors(Day1-Demo)-1.3-pc.zip 167 MB
Sep 02, 2023
Br0kenColors(Day1-Demo)-1.3-mac.zip 152 MB
Sep 02, 2023

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(1 edit)

Хочу сказать о том, что игра мне безумно понравилась. Интересный дизаин,  хорошо прописаны персонажи, приятный для глаз рисовка, но есть одно но: при переводе на русский к сожалению, вместо букв вылезают квадратики и я не смогла ничего с этим сделать, обожаю вашу игру

thank you so much! we're glad you enjoyed it <3

you need to choose the right font in the settings for the russian translation to work. not every font supports your language :)

Большое спасибо! Мы рады, что вам понравилось <3

Вам нужно выбрать правильный шрифт в настройках, чтобы русский перевод работал. Не каждый шрифт поддерживает ваш язык :)


Спасибо большое


Los amo siguan así

kyuugugvvgcgyuyyuyuighjvcggvhvvvvgjvvgcUG HGVBu



А на андроид можно установить?

Игра сделала очень красиво и сюжет очень интересен,  но есть мелкий минус - не работает русская версия, вместо букв у меня появляются какие-то квадратики и поэтому приходится доставать переводчик потому что какие-то слова я не помню и это немного отвлекает о самого интереса игры.


Привет, спасибо за игру! 😊 В сообщении чётко сказано, что вам нужно выбрать подходящий шрифт для вашего языка, потому что не каждый шрифт поддерживает русский. В будущем, пожалуйста, внимательно читайте наши сообщения перед началом игры 🙏

➡️ select one of the newly added fonts "PT-Sans", "Noto-Sans.JP" or "Noto-Sans.CJK" to get the Russian translation displayed ⬅️

➡️ Выберите один из недавно добавленных шрифтов: "PT-Sans", "Noto-Sans.JP" или "Noto-Sans.CJK", чтобы отобразить русский перевод. ⬅️


even if it’s only day one that’s out so far- this is most definitely my favorite game! I’ll make sure to stay till the end and play each and every day! :D


I love this game thank you very much for continuing it take as much time as you need. They are the best 😌.


Please continue to take care of yourselves. I love seeing what you can create when given both time and love.




Please take all the time you need! Can't wait for whatever you guys showcase or release next!


It's really cool that more people can enjoy the game in their native language! Also, I hope you're feeling better, it's difficult to be sick, but always prioritize your health, thanks for the news! Waiting for day 2.


this was a great little update! i really love the shy customers new look, he's so precious. cant wait for more and i hope people enjoy the new translations. keep up the great work!!